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Thursday 1 December 2011

Mr Baker's Reading Homework

As Christmas draws ever nearer, I think it would be great for my English Set to read one of the most famous Christmas stories aroud - A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. This book was written 168 years ago, but is rich in linguistic delights and moral themes; it is also a thumping good tale.
Being such an old book means that it is now out of copyright so there are many free ways to read it including ereaders such as the Kindle and Kobo. There are also PDF files available on the net. If you do not have a copy of the book at home, you can view it with the link below. Do not try and print it though because there are well over 100 pages of it and this would be expensive to print.
For homework, read and talk about chapter 1 with a grown up at home ready for some "Book Club" sessions next week.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Advent Fayre

This Friday Year Six will be running the Advent Fayre. We will be asking for a £1 donation to support the work of the late Harry Mosely. The event starts at 9.00am and will run all day with each class having a slot during the day to have a go on the events and activities. Bring a Santa hat and enjoy!!!

Mr Baker's Homeworks 18.11.11

Here are the homeworks I have set this week.

Friday 4 November 2011

Inspire Workshop - Thursday 10th November from 9.00am to 10.40ish

Just a reminder to everyone that there will be an important Inspire Workshop this Thursday about expectations in Year Six and important learning habits to adopt and bad habits to avoid. The workshop element will be based on maths teaching and how this can be supported at home.

Mr Baker's Homeworks 3.11.11

Seems like the holidays are a distant memory now. Here are my homeworks for handing in next week.
English - learning a new Alan Peat sentence type (EW,(comma)) and trying to use it in three ways when writing a short paragraph about a boy called Bert.
Maths - collecting data and recording it in a frequency chart.
Spellings - We have had some trouble staying in past tense in our writing this week, so our spellings are all about spelling words in their past and present tense forms.

Enjoy the long week end.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Mr Baker's Half Term Homework 21.10.11

Here are the homeworks I have set for the half term break.
The English homework is to plan for the biography big writing when we get back.
The spellings are here (don't forget to find and use the new word)...
The maths homework is a combination of shape work and division fact practice. Some of this has not been created on the computer so will not be available to download. the BBC website activities are here...
Don't forget that a week off is great for a rest, but if you don't keep up with basics, you will be behind when you get back to school. So remember to read every day with an adult asking you questions about the reading. Keep up with the Mathletics and Mathsisfun websites to practice your tables which is essential.
Date for the Diary...
Year Six Inspire will take place on Thursday 10th November from 9.00am to 10.50am. All aspects of Year Six teaching will be covered, but the main focus will be on maths.
Enjoy the holidays.

Saturday 15 October 2011

14.10.11 Mr Baker's Homework

Just two homeworks to find this weekend, The Maths set get a second go at the mental test. Remember to try and do them in your head.
This week we started thinking about biographies in English lessons and have now planned our own biographies. The homework is for you to write a first draft of the opening section. Remember, it does not have to be perfect until up-leveling opportunities, but I do expect the draft to have sentences that make sense, have a sensible flow, be grammatically correct and contain some Alan Peat sentences. Don't forget your VCOP either.
Good Look.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

This week's science

We have been considering how living things are adapted to live in their environment this week. Fish have adapted to living in the sea by developing gills to breathe, polar bears are adapted to life in the cold arctic by having thick white fur to keep it warm and camouflaged. Our Homework (designed by teacher Janice Jenkins) asks children to consider what could live in different habitats. You can find the sheet here...
A useful website is the Naturegrid site here there is an interactive quiz based on a pond habitat - can you work out which living things could live in various parts of the pond?
Here is the link...

Friday 7 October 2011

Mr Baker's Homeworks 7.10.11

A slight difference to the maths homework this week because I made the sheet by cutting and sticking bits from various sources and so since this was not computer generated, I can't put it on the blog. However, using the mathsisfun website will allow you to practice basic calculations anyway. Don't forget to use Mathletics as well.
The English homework is to get the last pages of the Mr Man story written and pictures drawn. Don't forget that the deadline has been extended to next Wednesday. The revision sheet for Alan Peat sentences (getting ready for the video series) can be found here...
RE homework will now be given out on Mondays. It is going to be all about the books in the bible.

Friday 23 September 2011


Everyone seems to be enjoying the new Mathletics system. Remember that the more you play, the more credits you earn and the more games you can unlock.
There have been a number of bronze award winners already and there are still a couple of days left to earn a certificate this week.

Don't forget your sign in details!!

Mr Baker

Homeworks from Mr Baker

Here is a reminder that when I set a homework, I try to make copies available on the blog so they can be printed off at home if the one given in school gets lost or damaged (this may not always be possble if the file is too large).
For this week, most of my maths set will have questions about place value to answer. Here is the link:
My English homework - drafting the build up section of te Mr Man story can be found here:
The Science homework asks you to look around shops to find plant food. All you need to do is name three with a description of what they can do for the plant and the main ingredients (perhaps the top three).
Here is the link:

Good luck.

Mr Baker

Sunday 18 September 2011

Daily Websites

As the Alton Castle residential trip has now taken place, we can settle down to the normal but important task of learning and developing our skills.
There are some excellent websites that we encourage children to use all year. here are a few of them:
This American website is a super resource for practising number skills such as multiplication tables.
Knowing and understanding mathematical vocabulary is essential and this site is one of the best on line maths dictionaries around.
At the moment we are looking at interdependence and adaptation in science and this site is quite a good one to explore.
For general leaning, you can't go far wrong with the BBC. Here is a website that can get you started.
 The year Six Inspire workshops will be upon us soon. More sites and advice will be shared at that point.

Alton Castle

Last week, Year Six had their traditional residential trip to Alton Castle.
Unusually we were sharing the castle with another school, a local rural school called Faber with only about seventy children in total compared to the over four hundred we have.
As always, out children were a credit to themselves and their families in the way they conducted themselves in all the activities and the more prayerful aspects of the trip.
There will be more detail shared in our up and coming assembly.

Friday 11 March 2011

Nets of a huge range of 3D shapes

Print off a net to make of anything from a cube to a decahedron - IF YOU'RE BRAVE ENOUGH!

Nets Revision - Maths

Try to make the following cubes from this sites nets - which create cubes and which do not. This will really help with your revision. (You can use the printable square paper from the blog).

Also ask yourself how may vertices does a cube have and any other properties of 3D shapes - use your SATs revision books to help.

Year 6 Maths - homework activities

Remember Mr Kelly's class must go through all of their 2007 papers and use revision books to assist their understanding.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Mr Baker's Homeworks WB 28.2.11

A short week this week so there are only two homeworks.
Maths - Ratio problems (easy as long as you read the questions carefully).
English - planning an explanation. Our lessons have shown that unless we plan well and do the right things in each section, we will not be able to come up with a really good L5 explanation. The revision sheet referred to should have been taken home after the SATs Inspire workshop.

Friday 11 February 2011

Mr Baker's Homeworks WB 7.2.11

Well done to everyone for taking part in the SATs Inspire Workshop. It went well and will hopefully help the preparation be more effective.
Here are the homeworks for my sets this week:
RE - Psalm 139. What kind of prayer is it most like?
Maths - L4 shape and reflection
English - Reading thoroughly in preparation for detailed questions on Monday.
Don't forget, use the blog as much as you can with the Inspire sites. Two children have already got to the final level of Questionaut!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

SATs Inspire 10th February 2011

To support the Inspire, Mr Kelly and I would like to provide you with some useful sites and resources. Practising skills and solving problems on a comuter is a great way to prepare for the SATs.
Some maths resources:
Maths is fun has games and challenges that cover many key skills. I've already recommended te times tables trainer.
Here are four more good games sites allowing key skills to be practiced and problems solved.

Maths is full of its own vocabulary - a vocabulary your child will need to know. Jenny Eather's Maths Dictionary For Kids is one of the best interactive dictionaries around. Use it to investigate shape names, properties and other maths terms.

For both Maths and English, the BBC provide a lot of revision aids on their bitesize revision site. Here is the basic link. Follow the pathsways you most want to revise.

A great problem solving game the BBC have is QUESTIONAUT. This interactive game requires puzzles to be solved and questions answered to progress through the many levels. It really encourages thinking - even grown ups can enjoy it!

There is no substitue for getting to know real SATs papers so below are links to some actual SATs in pdf format. I would not recommend printing them all out though because there are a great many pages. However viewing them on screen can be useful.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Mr Baker's Homeworks WB 31.1.11

Here are links to my homeworks for this week if you need new copies.
Don't forget to use the maths is fun website to play games with fractions and decimals as well as continuing to practice your tables.
Science Homework did not go home this week because we did not complete the lesson. Let's hope we can get the videos filmed next time.
Good luck.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Mr Baker's Homeworks WB 24.1.11

English. There were new spellings and a SAT style comprehension - well done to all those who did so well on the last one!
Spellings Link:
The comprehension is unfortunately too large a file to put on the blog (I did try).
Maths. The group has been doing really well with fractions of quantities, comparing fractions and finding simple percentages. The homework is based on real level 4 SAT questions. Here is the link:
RE homework this week is to learn the Confirmation promises off by heart ready for Mass this Sunday. See you all at Mass.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Mr Baker's Maths Group - Compare and order decimals and fractions.

We have been comparing fractions by turning them into decimals and by looking for common denominators. Here are a couple of games from the BBC that let you practice doing this at home.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Mr Baker's Maths Set Basics again.

Since looking at fractions - especially how to find common denominators - we find that we need a really good knowledge of our Times Tables. Some of us are making mistakes again.
Please use this fun site to learn and practice at home.

Mr Baker's Science homework.

If you have misplaced your homework or had it damaged, you can print off clean copies from this blog.
For Lauren Weston's Group click:
For all other groups click:

Mr Baker's Spellings 18.1.11

Here are the spellings for this week. We have been writing newspaper reports. A reporter needs to inform the reader about the 'story' that has happened. Chronological order can help and so can these time connectives.

Anne Frank Website for your biographical research.

Click on this link for access to the Anne Frank website.