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Saturday 27 December 2014

Coming up in Maths

We will be looking at reading scales accurately and converting currency. Look at the link!


Coming up in RE

We will be looking at the different Gospel recounts of the birth of Jesus Christ. What similarities and differences can you spot?

                                                         Why not have a look at home?

Our Great Britons Project

You have been asked over the next few weeks to research  Great Briton of your choice. (We said they had to be dead.) If you can not decide who to pick - have a look at this link:

All projects are due in on Wednesday 7th January 2015

Friday 19 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Well done to you all for an excellent first term in Year 6. You have all worked hard and enthusiastically.

Over the holiday have a good rest, read lots and don't forget your 'Great Britons' project.

                             Have a happy and holy Christmas.  From all your Year 6 staff  x

Well done!

Well done EVERYONE for their nativity performances this year. You were all wonderful! As a well done each year group has had a party this week.

Why not have a look at 'track Santa'? There are lots of games and videos to look at:

Sunday 14 December 2014

Third Sunday of Advent!

It is PINK because it is GAUDETE Sunday!

We can start to get excited now!

Friday 12 December 2014

Coming up!

We are performing our Nativity on Monday evening at Church. Please be in the meeting room by 6:40pm. If you are bringing clothes from home, make sure that they are in school on Monday morning.

Advent in 2 Minutes

Sunday 7 December 2014

Our Nativity

Our Nativity this year is 'Witness'.

Make sure that you are learning your script and song words this weekend - we will not be allowed to use them tomorrow!!

During Advent

During Advent make sure that you are looking at the Walk with Me booklet and calendar each evening. Thank you for your Advent prayers so far. The prayer bag will be taken home each evening.


Today we lit the second purple candle on the wreath.


Sunday 30 November 2014

Well done!

Well done to everyone leading the Liturgy at mass this morning.
Well done also to all the children in the choir and to all of you who came to celebrate the first Sunday of Advent!

Friday 28 November 2014

Look at our Jesse Tree!

Today we welcomed the season of Advent to Holy Souls. This is our prayer focus with our Jesse tree...

Thursday 27 November 2014

What's happening next week?

As always in year 6 it is going to be another busy week next week.

We start the week as we always do with RE.
As it is the beginning of Advent our lesson will be linked to that. We will be looking at 2 parables and how they help us to prepare and be ready.
What can you remember about parables?

In maths we continue with data handling. You will also be assessed this week as we will complete a past SATs paper.


Friday 28th Novemeber is 'Do something different day' at school. It is a time when we stop and think about Advent and what we can do in order to prepare for it.
Remember that you need to wear purple. We hope you enjoy the day.

Friday 21 November 2014

Literacy - SPOOCS gadgets!!!!

In Literacy this week you will get the opportunity to work in your ghosthunting groups to design and write about a gadget that you use to ghosthunt!!!

When you have designed and labelled your gadget you will then have to explain what it looks like and how it works. So get your thinking caps on!!!!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Maths for the coming week

How did you get on with averages?
Can you remember how to find the Mean, Mode, Median and range?
Next week we are continuing to handle data through interpreting charts.
How many different types of charts can you remember?

This link will refresh your memory and give you the opportunity to play some games in preparation for next week.
Enjoy :)


RE for the coming week

On Tuesday 25th November we will be looking at the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
What do you know about our Archdiocese already?
Who is the Archbishop?
St Chad's is known as the Mother church, why is this?
Follow the link below to help you to find out as much as you can before Tuesday.


Sunday 16 November 2014

Coming up in RE

We will be finding out about MARTYRS. Do you know what this means? This definition will help.

We will be understanding the lives of the English Martyrs. Can you name any? These links will help us find information.

Thomas Moore

Video about John Fisher and Sir Thomas More:

Video about John Fisher:

Video about Nicolas Owen:

Non- Chronological reports

                                          This week in Literacy we will be writing....

                          Non-Chronological reports about the ghosts in Tudor House.
                                                     Which ghost will you describe?
                                  Can remember what is on our SUCCESS approach?

Coming up in Maths

We will be looking at reading scales accurately and converting currency. Look at the link!


Saturday 8 November 2014

In RE this week...

In RE this week we will think about the structure of the Catholic Church?
What is the Church?
Who is the leader of it on Earth?
What is our role?

Coming up in Literacy

We will be role playing what happened in Tudor House on that unsuccessful night. What happened?

We will then be writing an email ( recount) to a good friend of ours!!

This link is a good reminder of how we write a letter and recount:


This is a good recap on the maths work we did on SHAPE.

Look at this link to help you. Last week some of us were confused by the number of parallel lines in different polygons. Use this link to create them and count the sets of parallel lines.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Coming up in Literacy - Recounts

We have been asked to capture the ghosts in Tudor House. Unfortunately you find out this week that your first ghost hunting mission was not successful. What happened? You will write a recount about your visit.
This link reminds you of the key features:

Things to do over Half Term...


 The Book Fair returns to Holy Souls School, straight after half term.  As usual, you will have the opportunity to visit the fair every evening after school with your parents, for a week.  This is a great way to increase your reading skills and a super fundraiser for the school community.
Mrs Kielstra has set us a challenge, details of which have also been sent home.
Do you have any books at home that you no longer want and would like to donate to the school?  Consider which year group it would be appropriate for.
We have been set a Christmas Card Challenge to design your own unique Christmas Card.  We have sent you home with posters with the details and challenge  you to design a Christmas Card.  All entries need to be returned so that Mrs Girling can send them off to The Father Hudson's Society


Friday 24 October 2014

Well done Everyone!

Well done Year 6 for a great first half term. We have enjoyed a fantastic residential trip to Alton Castle, led an assembly and school mass, shared an INSPIRE workshop and made a great start to our last year at primary school.

Have a good rest this holiday!

Remember to read each day, learn your spellings, complete your literacy homework and bring in your RE research project on an Old Testament character.

Please also remember your artwork entries for the Father Hudson competitions.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Links to help with RE homework

Don't forget that Holy Souls is not responsible for any OTHER website and the information it may have on it. Always ask a grown up first.


Please help us!!

This autumn Flora and Stork, in partnership with Tesco, are running an amazing scheme called Tubs4Tablets.

The scheme aims to help our school bring cutting edge technology into the classroom by giving us the opportunity to collect tokens from special tubs of Flora and Stork on sale at Tesco through early October and exchange them for FREE touch screen tablets! Help us make our campaign a success!

We need to collect as many tokens as possible, these can be found on promotional 500g tubs of Flora Original, Light and Buttery and Stork. Hand us your tokens… Just 50 tokens will get our school one brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0” Wi-Fi 8GB tablet so help us to claim as many as we can.

Spread the word! Remember, if friends, neighbours, work colleagues and family can help too we could collect even more tokens to exchange for tablets. There’s no limit to the amount of FREE tablets we can claim for the school!

We have 8 so far. We need 42 more for one tablet!!!!!!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Literacy this week...

We will be hunting ghosts in Tudor House. What instructions will you follow to be successful?

Have a look at this to remind yourself how to write instructions -

Saturday 18 October 2014


In RE we will be looking at Jesus's call to his disciples. What did he say and why did they follow? In art we will also be explore how these stories are shown in images / artwork.

Maths - work on shape

In Maths this week we are returning to our work on shape. Look at this link to help you. Last week some of us were confused by the number of parallel lines in different polygons. Use this link to create them and count the sets of parallel lines.


In RE we will be understanding more the person of Jesus and how we are disciples. What might go in a wanted poster for Jesus?

Friday 10 October 2014

Coming up in Literacy

Do you think that you will be accepted into SPOOCS based on your persuasive letter written last week?

This week in Literacy we will be writing non-chronological reports. Can you remember what key things need to be included in this text type? What will you need for your expedition as a ghost hunter?

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Sunday 5 October 2014

The 10 commandments

In RE we will be looking at the Ten Commandments and discussing the importance of each. This power-point will be used in the lesson:</span></a></div>

We are looking at this in RE tomorrow

What three questions might you want to ask Moses if you were able to interview him?
This week we will have a deeper understanding of the plight of the Israelites in the desert.

Saturday 4 October 2014


In RE this week we will be looking at the story of Moses and the Exodus. We will be paying particular attention to the feelings of the Israelites during this time. We will also take a closer look at the commandments and create some of our own.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Adam and Eve and the Fall

We will be reading and discussing the story of ' The Fall' in Genesis. This video will help:

Friday 26 September 2014

Our Assembly

Please remember to invite your grown ups to our Alton Castle assembly on Tuesday morning at 8:50. We will be sharing our retreat
experiences, photos and what we have learnt about our faith.