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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Great Britons Project!

You have been asked over the next few weeks to research  Great Briton of your choice. (We said they had to be dead.) If you can not decide who to pick - have a look at this link:

All projects are due in on Wednesday 6th January 2016

Well Done!

Well done EVERYONE for their nativity performances this year. You were all wonderful! As a well done each year group has had a party this week.

Why not have a look at 'track Santa'? There are lots of games and videos to look at:

Saturday 12 December 2015

Next Week in Year 6...

Don't Forget!

The Year 5 and 6 Nativity 'Angels on High', will be performed at Church on Monday evening. (14th December)

The play begins at 7:00pm.

Please could all Year 6 children arrive in the parish room (behind Church) at 6:30pm. 

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Remember to learn your words over the weekend!!

Year 6 Research Project: Great Britons
Over the next few weeks we would like you to research the life of a famous Briton. This person, male or female, can be a famous actor, sportsperson, politician or from any other part of public life. The only rules are that the person must be famous and (obviously) they must be British!

In order to make sure that we do not have 60 projects on David Beckham, we also ask that you pick a Great Briton who has already died.

Famous Britons that children have previously researched include:
Winston Churchill, Queen Victoria, King Henry VIII, Florence Nightingale, Princess Diana – whoever you might find interesting. The more original the better!!

Use the Internet, library, encyclopaedias and any other sources that you feel are necessary.

You will need to cover questions such as: When was your Briton born?  Where did he / she live?   What made them famous ?  What influence did they have? What lasting effect have they left on the country?

You might want to include a front cover, introduction, contents page
pictures  and a  bibliography ( a list of the resources you used).

The project will be marked out of a maximum of 30 housepoints.
We will mark the following areas:
  • Content ( facts and information)
  • Research ( where you found your information and your use of bibliography)
  • Standard of written English
  • Presentation and organisation.

It can be typed or hand-written.

Please bring this into school on Wednesday January 6th 2016

Competition Time Can you put names to each of these famous faces below?




Queen Elizabeth I



Saturday 5 December 2015

RE week commencing 7th December

This week we  will be looking at parables that are connected with Advent.

The Parable of The Bridesmaids. Matthew 25 Verses 1 -13.

The second parable that we will look at is The Parable of The Servant Waiting.

We will be writing newspaper articles and our own parables based on the message ;
Being Ready For Jesus.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

This week we will be performing as a class to the rest of the year group. This will be on Thursday morning.

Music performance

We will also be rehearsing our  Christmas production performance.


We will listen to the classic story "The Christmas Miracle of Thomas Toomey ."

This week we will have a look at percentages.

Saturday 28 November 2015


In History this week we will be doing some "BIG WRITING".

Image result for big writing

This will all be based on evacuees.
Image result for sad evacuees

We will be writing diary accounts, letters and newspaper articles. Can you remember the key features of these genres of writing? Think back to all the emotions felt at this time.
Image result for diaryImage result for letter
Image result for newspaper articles evacuees


We are now in the season of Advent and all our RE and Literacy based work will be based on Advent.
Image result for adventImage result for advent clipart

We will mainly be thinking about the second coming of the lord and that we need to "Stay Awake and Be Ready"
Image result for stay awake be ready

Maths & English

This week in both maths and English we will be completing some assessments.
What can you do to prepare?

Image result for reading comprehensionImage result for spelling patterns
Keep reading every night, questioning yourself on what you have read. This ensures you comprehend what you are reading.
Revise you spellings since September, especially the spelling patterns.

You will also be asked to write a recount. Can you remember the key features?
Image result for recount

Your maths assessment will consist of 3 tests. Look back at any examples you have already completed, especially your weekly mental arithmetic tests. Think about the 4 main operations and learning your tables at speed.

Image result for 4 operationsImage result for maths problem solvingImage result for times tables