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Sunday 23 October 2011

Mr Baker's Half Term Homework 21.10.11

Here are the homeworks I have set for the half term break.
The English homework is to plan for the biography big writing when we get back.
The spellings are here (don't forget to find and use the new word)...
The maths homework is a combination of shape work and division fact practice. Some of this has not been created on the computer so will not be available to download. the BBC website activities are here...
Don't forget that a week off is great for a rest, but if you don't keep up with basics, you will be behind when you get back to school. So remember to read every day with an adult asking you questions about the reading. Keep up with the Mathletics and Mathsisfun websites to practice your tables which is essential.
Date for the Diary...
Year Six Inspire will take place on Thursday 10th November from 9.00am to 10.50am. All aspects of Year Six teaching will be covered, but the main focus will be on maths.
Enjoy the holidays.

Saturday 15 October 2011

14.10.11 Mr Baker's Homework

Just two homeworks to find this weekend, The Maths set get a second go at the mental test. Remember to try and do them in your head.
This week we started thinking about biographies in English lessons and have now planned our own biographies. The homework is for you to write a first draft of the opening section. Remember, it does not have to be perfect until up-leveling opportunities, but I do expect the draft to have sentences that make sense, have a sensible flow, be grammatically correct and contain some Alan Peat sentences. Don't forget your VCOP either.
Good Look.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

This week's science

We have been considering how living things are adapted to live in their environment this week. Fish have adapted to living in the sea by developing gills to breathe, polar bears are adapted to life in the cold arctic by having thick white fur to keep it warm and camouflaged. Our Homework (designed by teacher Janice Jenkins) asks children to consider what could live in different habitats. You can find the sheet here...
A useful website is the Naturegrid site here there is an interactive quiz based on a pond habitat - can you work out which living things could live in various parts of the pond?
Here is the link...

Friday 7 October 2011

Mr Baker's Homeworks 7.10.11

A slight difference to the maths homework this week because I made the sheet by cutting and sticking bits from various sources and so since this was not computer generated, I can't put it on the blog. However, using the mathsisfun website will allow you to practice basic calculations anyway. Don't forget to use Mathletics as well.
The English homework is to get the last pages of the Mr Man story written and pictures drawn. Don't forget that the deadline has been extended to next Wednesday. The revision sheet for Alan Peat sentences (getting ready for the video series) can be found here...
RE homework will now be given out on Mondays. It is going to be all about the books in the bible.