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Thursday 29 October 2015

Coming up in RE!

In RE we will be looking at Jesus's call to his disciples. What did he say and why did they follow? In art we will also be explore how these stories are shown in images / artwork.

Maths - Fractions Continued!

This week in maths we will be consolidating all your knowledge on fractions

Image result for fractions
Image result for fractions

Think about what you already know and what you think you need work on


Image result for equivalent fractions

We will be looking at equivalent fractions, simplifying them, ordering fractions and addition and subtraction.

Literacy work - SPOOCS - Recounts

We have been asked to capture the ghosts in Tudor House. Unfortunately you find out this week that your first ghost hunting mission was not successful. What happened? You will write a recount about your visit.

This link reminds you of the key features:

Book Fayre!



 The Book Fair returns to Holy Souls School, straight after half term.  As usual, you will have the opportunity to visit the fair every evening after school with your parents, for a week.  This is a great way to increase your reading skills and a super fundraiser for the school community.
Mrs Kielstra has set us a challenge, details of which have also been sent home.
Do you have any books at home that you no longer want and would like to donate to the school?  Consider which year group it would be appropriate for.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Half Term Break




Have a lovely break.

Remember to
Catch up on your sleep.
Have fun.
Do not forget!
Please remember to read.




Have you got anything special or unusual planned for half term?

Match the pictures to the teachers.

Miss Cranmer. Mrs Corrigan, Mr Woolfenden, Miss Smith, Mrs Dwyer.

There will be a prize for the first correctly matched entry.

The Lake District.


Bletchley Park


Across The Irish Sea

Working on the allotment.

Now perhaps we could have a similar competition for the pupils holiday?
Over to you.


RE Homework

Image result for Homework

Your homework over the half term is to create a detailed fact-file about an old Testament character. You must research them by using the internet, the Bible and books from home or the library.

Think about; their life, what they did, where they lived, their family and why they played an important role in the Bible.

It is due in on Wednesday 4th November.

Saturday 17 October 2015

End of 1/2 term assessments

This week in English and Maths we will be assessed. We will be completing some previous SATs papers and going through them. You will also be asked to write for us. This will be based upon one of the genres you have studied this 1/2 term.

Image result for assessmentsImage result for assessments

You don't need to worry, just do your best you will be fine!
Image result for do your best

RE this week

This week we will be looking at the challenges faced by the disciples and their families when they decided to become followers of Christ. How do you think they felt? What about the families that they left behind?

Image result for followers of christImage result for followers of christ

Monday 12 October 2015

RE Homework

Your RE homework this week is linked to the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
Miss Cranmer's group - Re- write the commandments out on order of importance.
Mrs Corrigan's group - Write down your top 3 commandments and the create 5 of your own for the world today.
Mr Woolfenden's group -  Create ten commandments for the world today.

This homework is due in on FRIDAY 16TH OCTOBER


The Ten Commandments

1.                              You shall have no other Gods but me.
2.                            You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
3.                            You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4.                            You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
5.                            Respect your father and mother.
6.                            You must not commit murder.
7.                            You must not commit adultery.
8.                            You must not steal.
9.                            You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.

10.                        You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.