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Saturday 27 December 2014

Coming up in Maths

We will be looking at reading scales accurately and converting currency. Look at the link!


Coming up in RE

We will be looking at the different Gospel recounts of the birth of Jesus Christ. What similarities and differences can you spot?

                                                         Why not have a look at home?

Our Great Britons Project

You have been asked over the next few weeks to research  Great Briton of your choice. (We said they had to be dead.) If you can not decide who to pick - have a look at this link:

All projects are due in on Wednesday 7th January 2015

Friday 19 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Well done to you all for an excellent first term in Year 6. You have all worked hard and enthusiastically.

Over the holiday have a good rest, read lots and don't forget your 'Great Britons' project.

                             Have a happy and holy Christmas.  From all your Year 6 staff  x

Well done!

Well done EVERYONE for their nativity performances this year. You were all wonderful! As a well done each year group has had a party this week.

Why not have a look at 'track Santa'? There are lots of games and videos to look at:

Sunday 14 December 2014

Third Sunday of Advent!

It is PINK because it is GAUDETE Sunday!

We can start to get excited now!

Friday 12 December 2014

Coming up!

We are performing our Nativity on Monday evening at Church. Please be in the meeting room by 6:40pm. If you are bringing clothes from home, make sure that they are in school on Monday morning.

Advent in 2 Minutes

Sunday 7 December 2014

Our Nativity

Our Nativity this year is 'Witness'.

Make sure that you are learning your script and song words this weekend - we will not be allowed to use them tomorrow!!

During Advent

During Advent make sure that you are looking at the Walk with Me booklet and calendar each evening. Thank you for your Advent prayers so far. The prayer bag will be taken home each evening.


Today we lit the second purple candle on the wreath.