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Friday 27 December 2013


We will be looking at the prologue of the Gospel of St John. What important words and images are there in the prologue?

                                                         Why not have a look at home?

Coming up in Maths

            Coming up in Maths we will be looking at fractions. What can you already remember?

                       How can we use this fraction wall to help us in our maths problems?

Friday 20 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Well done to you all for an excellent first term in Year 6. You have all worked hard and enthusiastically.
Over the holiday have a good rest, read lots and don't forget your 'Great Britons' project.

                             Have a happy and holy Christmas.  From all your Year 6 staff  x

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Well done!!!!

Well done EVERYONE for their nativity performances this year. You were all wonderful! As a well done each year group has had a party this week. The Year 5 and 6 disco is tomorrow.

Why not have a look at 'track Santa'? There are lots of games and videos to look at:

Sunday 15 December 2013

The Snail by Henri Matisse

We will be using The Snail by Henri Matisse in our art work this week. Can you see the snail?
We will look at the history of the artwork using this link:

There is debate about whether anyone can recreate this piece of art. What do you think? We will watch this video. ( Remember not to click on other links around it!)

Saturday 14 December 2013

A Christmas Carol

We hope to have a little time this week to look at a wonderful book written by Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol. You could look at this free ebook version. Just click on the link below.

Tom and Jerry --The Enjoying the Night Before Christmas.

What have Tom and Jerry learnt by the end of the cartoon? (Remember not to click on any other links on youtube without checking with a grown up!)

Third Sunday of Advent

It is PINK because it is GAUDETE Sunday!

We can start to get excited now!

Our Nativity

We are performing our Nativity on Monday evening at Church. Please be in the meeting room by 6:45pm. If you are bringing clothes from home, make sure that they are in school on Monday morning.

Don't forget our Great Britons Project!

You have been asked over the next few weeks to research  Great Briton of your choice. (We said they had to be dead.) If you can not decide who to pick - have a look at this link:

All projects are due in on Thursday 9th January 2014

Saturday 7 December 2013

Coming up!

We have a very exciting week next week. Year 6 have the chance to see Year 3/4's Nativity on Monday afternoon. We will see Reception's on Tuesday, Year 1's on Wednesday and Year 2's on Thursday.

Please do not forget to learn your words / songs etc...... It isn't long before we perform 'Holy Joe' on Monday 16th December!

Friday 6 December 2013

In Literacy next week

We will be using our literacy lessons next week to focus on our advent work. We will have the opportunity to write our own magazine articles ( based on the ten bridesmaids) and our own modern parables of today.

Don't Forget!

This week your Literacy homework is to learn all your song words, parts for the Nativity and the end section of  the script which we are all saying together!!!!!!!!

During Advent...

During Advent make sure that you are looking at the Walk with Me booklet and calendar each evening. Thank you to Amber, Hubert, Anneliese, Lewis  and Joel for your Advent prayers so far. The prayer bag will be taken home each evening.


This Sunday we will be lighting the second purple candle on the wreath.


Sunday 1 December 2013

First Sunday of Advent

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. We light the first candle on our Advent wreath:

Saturday 30 November 2013

Next week in RE

We will be looking at some of the Parables of Jesus. Do you know the story of the Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids and The Parable of the servant waiting for the Master to return?

These parables help us understand about the second coming of Christ.

Friday 29 November 2013

Coming up in Maths

We will be looking at efficient written methods for adding and subtracting decimals.
This link is fun but move onto the trickier shops!!!


In literacy next week

We will be recapping the grammar we have looked at this term Use these links to remind yourself!

Our Nativity

Today we gave out some of the parts to our Nativity 'Holy Joe' - get practising!!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Don't Forget

We have our service of Reconciliation in Church on Thursday and we will also be making our confession. This helps us to prepare for the coming of Christ during the season of Advent.

Look at our Jesse Tree!

Today we welcomed the season of Advent to Holy Souls. This is our prayer focus with our Jesse tree...

Sunday 24 November 2013

Well done!

Well done Year 6 and Year 3 for leading the Liturgy at mass this morning.
Well done also to all the children in the choir and to everything who joined in on the alter at the end of mass to sing 'Let there by love'.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Coming up in RE..

We will be talking about what we already know about the season of Advent. Each group will mind-map their prior knowledge. We will read these links to check what we have remembered!


What words are the largest in this image? Are they the most important?

On Thursday we will have our ' Do Something Different Day'. We will all be wearing purple and preparing school for Advent. In class we will be changing our prayer focus, completing different crafts and beginning some our advent work in RE. We will, for example, be writing our own versions of 'O Come Emmanuel'. This is a special Advent hymn.

Friday 22 November 2013

The Year of Faith and Saints

Today we drew our Year of Faith in School to a close. We gathered for a special assembly and reflected on the year as a whole.

On Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King in Church. This is the last Sunday before the season of Advent. Year 6 are leading the Liturgy and we look forward to seeing you all there.

Today in assembly 6C shared that their class saint is St. Rose of Lima and 6KC shared that their class saint is Saint Brigid.

In Maths

We will we working on Perimeter and Area. Can you find the perimeter of this shape?

How do we find the area of this one?

Have a look on the third level on this link!!


In Literacy

This week we will be continuing with S.P.O.O.C.S work and writing instructions. What can you remember about their key features?

Have a look at this link to remind yourselves about the work we did on the active and passive voice this week:


Sunday 17 November 2013

Well done

Well done to Year 3 for a fantastic enrolment mass this morning. You read and sang beautifully. Thank you to everyone in Year 6 who came and supported them.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Coming up in Maths...

We will be looking at reading scales accurately and converting currency. Look at the link!


In Literacy

We will be writing an explanation text. Have a think about the trap you will use as a ghost hunter in Tudor House. How does it work? How can you make sure that it does not harm the ghost? How will you explain how it works in a letter to your boss 'Y'?

Friday 15 November 2013


Next week we will continue thinking about discipleship. How can we live as Fishers of Men? Why did disciples leave their homes and follow Jesus?

Science - Dissolving and Separating

Have a look at this link to help you with our unit in Science

Saturday 9 November 2013

Coming up in Maths

This week we will continue learning about a mean, mode and the range of data.  After this we will review what we know about data-handling.

Friday 8 November 2013

Jesus Calls The Fishermen

RE - being a disciple

In RE we will be looking at Jesus's call to his disciples. What did he say and why did they follow? In art we will also be explore how these stories are shown in images / artwork.

Non-Chronological Reports

                                          This week in Literacy we will be writing a

                          non-chronological report about the ghosts in Tudor House.
                                  Can remember what is on our SUCCESS approach?

Friday 1 November 2013

Competitions for Half Term

October is the month of the Rosary. Mrs Girling set us all a challenge to find our more about the Rosary.
These links may help:

Here are some useful websites to help you complete your challenge.


The Book Fair returns to Holy Souls School, straight after half term.  As usual, you will have the opportunity to visit the fair every evening after school with your parents, for a week.  This is a great way to increase your reading skills and a super fundraiser for the school community.
Mrs Kielstra has set us a challenge, details of which have also been sent home.
Do you have any books at home that you no longer want and would like to donate to the school?  Consider which year group it would be appropriate for and write a summary of it.
 Bring the book and your written summary into school when we return and Mrs Kielstra will take a look at your entry!
We have been set a Christmas Card Challenge to design your own unique Christmas Card.  We have sent you home with posters with the details and challenge  you to design a Christmas Card.  All entries need to be returned before 19th November, so that Mrs Girling can send them off to The Father Hudson Society

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Coming up in Literacy

We will be role playing what happened in Tudor House on that unsuccessful night. What happened?

We will then be writing an email ( recount) to a good friend of ours!!

This link is a good reminder of how we write a letter and recount:

Coming up in Maths

We are going to be looking and measure and converting units. This might help:

We will be moving on to looking at the mode, mean and range of data.

The Range (Statistics)

The Range is the difference between the lowest and highest values.

Example: In {4, 6, 9, 3, 7} the lowest value is 3, and the highest is 9.

So the range is 9-3 = 6.

                                                                       It is that simple!

 This link will also help:

Friday 25 October 2013

Well done everyone

Well done Year 6 for a great first half term. We have enjoyed a fantastic residential trip to Alton Castle, led an assembly and school mass, shared an INSPIRE workshop and made a great start to our last year at primary school.

Have a good rest this holiday!

Remember to read each day, learn your spellings, complete your literacy homework and bring in your RE research project on an Old Testament character.

Saturday 19 October 2013

That story of Cain and Abel

We will use this story in our RE lesson on Thursday.

Bible Theater: Genesis - The Fall

We will be reading and discussing the story of ' The Fall' in Genesis. This video will help:

Literacy - Recounts

We have been asked to capture the ghosts in Tudor House. Unfortunately you find out this week that your first ghost hunting mission was not successful. What happened? You will write a recount about your visit.
This link reminds you of the key features: