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Wednesday 30 October 2013

Coming up in Literacy

We will be role playing what happened in Tudor House on that unsuccessful night. What happened?

We will then be writing an email ( recount) to a good friend of ours!!

This link is a good reminder of how we write a letter and recount:

Coming up in Maths

We are going to be looking and measure and converting units. This might help:

We will be moving on to looking at the mode, mean and range of data.

The Range (Statistics)

The Range is the difference between the lowest and highest values.

Example: In {4, 6, 9, 3, 7} the lowest value is 3, and the highest is 9.

So the range is 9-3 = 6.

                                                                       It is that simple!

 This link will also help:

Friday 25 October 2013

Well done everyone

Well done Year 6 for a great first half term. We have enjoyed a fantastic residential trip to Alton Castle, led an assembly and school mass, shared an INSPIRE workshop and made a great start to our last year at primary school.

Have a good rest this holiday!

Remember to read each day, learn your spellings, complete your literacy homework and bring in your RE research project on an Old Testament character.

Saturday 19 October 2013

That story of Cain and Abel

We will use this story in our RE lesson on Thursday.

Bible Theater: Genesis - The Fall

We will be reading and discussing the story of ' The Fall' in Genesis. This video will help:

Literacy - Recounts

We have been asked to capture the ghosts in Tudor House. Unfortunately you find out this week that your first ghost hunting mission was not successful. What happened? You will write a recount about your visit.
This link reminds you of the key features:


In Maths this week we are returning to our work on shape. Look at this link to help you. Last week some of us were confused by the number of parallel lines in different polygons. Use this link to create them and count the sets of parallel lines.

Saturday 12 October 2013

The 10 Commandments

In RE we will be looking at the Ten Commandments and discussing the importance of each. This power-point link will be used in the lesson.

Friday 11 October 2013

Maths - Shape work

Next week we will be looking at shape work. These links / images may help us.

Literacy - Writing Instructions.

We will be hunting ghosts in Tudor House. What instructions will you follow to be successful?

Have a look at this to remind yourself how to write instructions -

Saturday 5 October 2013


Have a look at this link for adding and subtracting decimals. It remind you about place value and then gives you some questions to try.

Friday 4 October 2013

Art - Landscapes

This is the video we used in  our art lesson today. Use it at home to practice your shading!!

The story of Moses

What three questions might you want to ask Moses if you were able to interview him?
This week we will have a deeper understanding of the plight of the Israelites in the desert.


Do you think that you will be accepted into SPOOCS based on your persuasive letter written last week?

This week in Literacy we will be writing non-chronological reports. Can you remember what key things need to be included in this text type? What will you need for your expedition as a ghost hunter?