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Saturday 31 January 2015

Efficient methods of adding and subtracting decimals

Well done for all your hard work in maths last week. The tests were challenging and you all worked really well  - your confidence is growing - keep it up!!!
Next week we move on to finding the most efficient methods for adding and subtracting decimals. Some of these questions came up on the tests (adding and subtracting money, finding differences in lengths of ribbon)

Have a look at this video clip, it may help you.

Literacy - Settings

Well done, your discussion writing was excellent.
We are now moving on to narrative writing payng particular attention to settings.
What do you think makes a good setting? Remember to think about using your senses.
Think about the setting of Tudor House, the rooms within it and the grounds it is set in.
We look forward to hearing your ideas and reading your work!

Confirmation and Baptism links

In RE last week we looked very closely at the sacrament of Baptism. We hope you enjoyed the role play work on it!!
This week we will be studying the sacrament of Confirmation, especially what happens during the ceremony. Whilst doing this we will be thinking about the links with Baptism.
Can you remember the signs and symbols of Baptism? Which ones do you think might also be included in the sacrament of Confirmation? Can you give reasons?


Saturday 24 January 2015


In RE we will be moving on to our Baptism and Confirmation unit of work.

We will be exploring our Baptism and why it is such an important sacrament. What are it's key symbols and how does it link to Confirmation?

What do you already know?


Coming up in Maths...

We will be looking at efficient written methods for adding and subtracting decimals.

This link is fun but move onto the trickier shops!!!


Coming up in Literacy

Next week we will be looking at discussion texts.

 Use this link to remind you of the key features:

Maths Revision - Perimeter and Area.

We have been working on Perimeter and Area. Can you find the perimeter of this shape?

How do we find the area of this one?

Have a look on the third level on this link!!


Sunday 18 January 2015

Tell us about your revision books please.

So, how are you finding the revision books? Thank you to all of you who have told us what you have been looking at. Remember that you were set a piece of Maths and SPAG revision this Friday. We will look at your work on Friday (23/01/15) Well done- you are all working really hard! K.I.U!!!


An exciting week in the world of ghost hunting! We are going to create advertisments to encourage people to visit Tudor House. You can continue these at home if you really want to show us your publishing or artistic skills! We are really looking forward to seeing your finished posters.

Aaagh- it's Parents Consultations!!

Please remind your grown ups that we have meetings on Monday and Wednesday this week to talk about YOU!!!!!! Please let us know if any of your grown ups are unable to make the appointment this week and we will sort out a more convenient date as soon as possible.

Father Craig is visiting us tomorrow morning!

Father Craig is teaching Year 6 tomorrow morning in our RE work on our unit of work on Christmas. We look forward to this and thank Father Craig for taking the time to help us in our learning.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Well done Year 6!

Well done for making your Enrolment promises in front of the parish this morning.

Well done to everyone for leading the liturgy, singing and serving.

Numeracy this week (beginning 12.1.15)

In maths this week we are continuing our work on measures.
We will be measuring using a variety of scales and answering given word problems based around the topic.

Every Friday we will be working on SATs style questions based around the topic we have been working on. This will help you to use and apply your skills when answering word problems.
why not have a look on primary resources for word problems based on measure to give you a head start.

RE - St John's Prologue

Did you know that the birth of Jesus in not recorded in St John's Gospel. We are going to be looking closely at the beginning of St John's Gospel - St John's prologue - identifying images of Christ within it.
Why not have a look at it before our lesson on Monday
 John1: 1-14

Literacy for week beginning 12th January

This week we will be continuing with S.P.O.O.C.S work and writing instructions. What can you remember about their key features?

Have a look at this link to remind yourselves about the active and passive voice this week:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Tomorrow is inspire!

Don't forget that it is our Confirmation and SATs Inspire workshop tomorrow morning in the hall.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Welcome Back!

Tomorrow is an INSET day. Term starts for all children on Tuesday 6th January at 8:40. Remember that your Great Briton projects are due on Wednesday and that all PE kits need to be in school for Wednesday too!!

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and all your families a happy and healthy New Year.
With love from Year 6 staff x