We will be continuing to work on our reading, grammar and maths with the focus mainly on our SATs.
You are all doing really well and must continue to think positivley. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
Keep practising at home, use your revision books to help you. If there is anything you are still unsure of please come and ask.
This week we are going to be looking at popular prayers from our faith.
What prayers can you name? How many do you know by heart?
We are going to be working in groups to study certain prayers, looking at the images of Christ within them. We will then be presenting our prayers and findings to the rest of the class.
Have a look at these two great links if you want to revise things online. There is a huge amount to chose from! We may have a look at some of these links in the first week back.
This week Year 4 and Year 5 will tell us about the symbols of Easter and also the story of the Resurrection.
We look forward to watching these interpretations and reflecting on them.